Kayra Alvarado

Dream A New Dream

Kayra Alvarado
Dream A New Dream

We can all agree that 2020 has brought forth the largest amount of discomfort and a platter of inconvenience that has forced us to adjust, rethink, and reroute in ways that we didn’t expect. And the hardest part in adjusting or choosing to switch gears is fully accepting the dead end that’s presented in front of us. This dead end doesn’t mean all paths are over, it just means that this particular road has come to a halt. We all know there’s several other paths to get to a particular destination, but due to familiarity and not wanting to try something new, we can stand at the dead end sign, staring, lifeless, confused, and disillusioned with our walk. Like the saying says, “ a dead end just means that you’re due for a detour” (in my best paraphrase lol). When we go through heartbreak, loss, an unexpected move, and dealing with something beyond our control, the hardest part is submitting to a new dream. You may succeed at acceptance and settling into your new reality, but we may be fearful of dreaming again. Dreaming is a gift that we can offer ourselves and just because the first dream didn’t turn out the way we imagined it, doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to create a new one.

Last month I took a plunge into a new space, as I went on a trip to New Hampshire and Maine to enjoy the outdoors and enjoy my first getaway with my boyfriend. At first, I was scared to take the trip and I could even hear myself finding ways to sabotage the trip. But, I wouldn’t let doubt and fear take hold of my life, so I looked at the trip as an opportunity to get to know him better and to be a woman who says yes to possibilities and the gifts life wants to give me. We had an awesome time and it will be a memory I will cherish.

A few key steps to support you in making sure you allow yourself to dream the new dream:

1) Fully embrace the detour and the dead end as a blessing in disguise. Although you can’t see where this new path is taking you, trust and have faith that you’re better off.

2) Choose to submit to a lens of discovery and exploration. Think about life’s puzzled path with a heart of curiosity and continue to learn about yourself and how you can grow to better withstand the ebbs and flows of life’s curve balls.

3) Lastly, release the old dream and start painting new images that resonate with your new found wisdom and experience. This dream canvas is yours to create and the only one that can get in your way is you.

Dune Jewelry reached out to me a week prior to my trip to see if I was interested in a partnership that would allow me to create jewelry that would capture a special memory. What a coincidence, right? Well, I’ve had way too many coincidences in my life and now I see them as divine gifts. This would be my first experience having jewelry designed to my liking and to be able to own a piece that would always take me back to a pivotal moment in my life that showed my openness to life and in particular, a new relationship.

Dune Jewelry is founded by a woman who wanted to make sure that life’s beautiful moments could be stored stylishly in jewelry that is customized for your taste. You will see below the amazing two necklaces that I selected and how one piece has sand from Sebago Lake, Maine and the second one has sand from North Conway, New Hampshire.

Thank you Dune Jewelry for preserving our trip and celebrating my willingness to dream a new dream. Always sending you positive energy and wishing you a beautiful week!
